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普米族 Pumi

*資料取於互聯網 information extracted from internet information

(any map??)

  • 人口數量:33600人(據2000年中國人口普查資料顯示)

  • 主要分佈:中國西南邊陲的雲南省,特別是雲南西北部的怒江傈僳族自治州的蘭坪白族普米族自治縣,麗江市的寧蒗、玉龍、永勝等地,以及迪慶藏族自治州的維西傈僳族自治縣。

  • 使用語言:講普米語,沒有文字,分南北兩個方言,但彼此能互通;除了普米語之外,大多數人兼通漢語和一些鄰近民族的語言。

  • 社會情況:交通不便,貧窮落後;教育、醫療衛生等條件欠佳。

  • 宗教信仰:既有祖先崇拜,也有信仰藏傳佛教的,還保留著對自然的崇拜。每逢節慶、婚嫁、生育、出行、收割等都要請巫師(汗歸)殺牲獻祭,誦經祈禱,以便消災祛難,保佑安康。

  • 教會與宣教:至今沒有教會建立,偶有鄰近的傈僳族基督徒向其傳福音,並有少數海外宣教士以外教的名義向當地學生傳福音,但收效甚微。只有為數不多的人歸信,卻還遭受族人與家人的極力反對。

  • Population: 33,600 (based on national census 2000)

  • Distribution: The Pumi in Yunnan province are mainly found in Lanping of Nujiang prefecture; Ninglang, Yulong and Yongsheng of Lijiang prefecture; and Weixi of Diqing prefecture.

  • Language: There is no written Pumi language. The people speak mainly in southern or northern Pumi dialects which are basically similar. Apart from dialects, the Pumi also communicate in putonghua Chinese and other ethnic languages.

  • Environment: They live generally in a poor and backward environment where roads are inadequate and facilities of education, medical and healthcare are lacking.

  • Religion: People are steeped in worshipping ancestors and Tibetan Buddhism mixed with animistic beliefs. At festive seasons pertaining to marriage, childbirth, travel and harvest, they call in Pumi priests to conduct animal sacrifices, chant prayers and recite scriptures for protection and peace.

  • Christianity: No indigenous Pumi church has yet been built though some Lisu preachers from other parts of Yunnan occasionally come to share gospel with the Pumi people. Some overseas missionaries have also come to do student works though the result has not been significant. Presently there are some Pumi believers and they are facing strong objections from family and clan members.


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