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張豔武 Zhang Yan-wu


彝族 Yi

高中 Senior High School

資助年度 Supporting since:2014 -

預計畢業年度 Estimated graduation year:2015


Yanwu is a high school student from Luquan prefecture of Kunming, Yunnan. Her family consists of four members including father, mother and an older brother. She lives in a village where her parents earn their income from agricultural and animal farming. His parents are believers and mom is involved in the choir and other church ministries. Yanwu’s brother, also a believer, completed his university education on a study loan last year and is now looking for a job. Two years ago, the father fell sick and subsequently became incapacitated, unable even to tend to himself. With a dependent father and two children pursuing their study, the family became indebted. The sole bread-earner is her mom, whose one arm is maimed. With medical expenses running into RMB4000 a year, Yanwu’s family is grievously poor.

個人見證 Personal Testimony



我也知道主很愛我。但是在即將參加中考的那一年,我經歷另一段令我終生難忘的事。兩年前,我爸爸突然得了一種奇怪的病。經過很多醫院去治療,但還是失去了勞動能力。在我快中考了的前一周,爸爸在醫院沒辦法醫治的情況下從此倒下了,媽媽和親戚們害怕讓我知道爸爸生病了會影響我的中考,他們便說了一個善意的謊言,打電話說週末讓我回我外婆家去,而我卻感到不安想考試之前回去看看才安心,我便回了家。結果,一進門就看到了爸爸瘦弱的身子,我呆了,啞了,眼淚不停的流了下來,我當時便不肯回學校考試,我說我要在家和媽媽一起照顧爸爸,那幾天每天都有親戚朋友來看我的爸爸,教會裡面的也來給我爸爸禱告,我在眾人的勸說下回到了學校考試,我想這是神的安排,我不知道那幾天我是怎樣度過的,滿滿的腦中都是爸爸的那個畫面,就在那無助的情況下我想到了耶穌基督,只有他能夠幫助我,為我解決困難,於是晚上睡前,同學們都睡了,自己坐在床上靜默了一會兒,就開始向神做禱告,主啊,我相信只有能拯救我,能夠幫助我,我也必會順服在您的施 恩寶座之下,請求您給我量力,讓我振作,讓我順利考上高中。








I am Zhang Yan-wu, a Yi student from a borderland village in Yunnan province. I was born into a Christian family and since young has been going to church with parents to worship the God who loves me. That particular year as I was preparing for a high school exam, my dad was struck by a strange disease. After many treatments, dad lost his capability for labor work.

That fateful happening to my dad came a week before my exam to qualify for senior high school. Not wanting to divert my attention, mom suggested I spend the weekend in grandma’s house. Somehow, I felt uneasy and wanted to go home to see my father before my exam. The look of my sickly father shocked me beyond words and I could not hold back my tears. At that instant I decided not to go back to school for the exam but stay home with mom to look after my father. The following few days, relatives and friends came and visited my dad; the church also had special prayer for him.

By God’s will and through the advice of concerned relatives and friends, I returned to school. I didn’t know how I went through the next few days during which my mind was so preoccupied with the thoughts and images of my father. In time of desperation like this, I thought about Jesus who was the only one who could help me with my problems. While my roommates were asleep, I came before God and started to pray: Lord, I believe only you can save and help me. I submit before your throne of mercy, pleading for your strength to restore that I may get into the senior high school.

Thanks to God, He heard my prayer and I was qualified for a place in senior high school. Meanwhile I also prayed daily for God to heal my father who was slowly recovering. In the first two years, I learned to rely on God for all things. The final exam in my senior high school is most pressurizing but with God’s help I can face it. I’m now in my final year and I aim for good results to glorify God.

Meanwhile, I come under different pressure and difficulties. As a child of God, however, I am able to maintain cheerful spirit. Mom always says the end of men’s efforts is the beginning of God’s journey. The most blessed happening in one’s life is the grace of knowing Jesus as savior. All Glory be with God! Hallelujah!

Zhang Yan-wu

感謝信 Thank-you letter


我很榮幸出生在一個信仰基督教的家庭,讓我從小就認識了一位元偉大的神,並且在這個神的大家庭裡得到了鼓勵和資助。 我真的非常感謝您們的這一大筆資助,這筆寶貴的資助使我的家庭經濟壓力得到了很大程度的緩解。收到資助的那天,我實在是激動得眼淚就在眼圈裡轉,這給了我一股強大的力量,無法用語言來表達出來,我一夜難以入睡,貧困的家庭供我上學真的是父母的一大負擔,我也會有很大的壓力,然而在這情況下我受到了你們的資助,我心裡的一塊大大的石頭終於可以放下了一段時間,安心的讀書。此刻的我內心無比的想要將所以想的都說出來,勸怎麼也說不出來,因為我始終相信真正的感謝不是嘩眾取寵,不是奴顏婢膝,而是消除所以包裝掩飾留下的真摯情感。我所表達的允許詞意不達意,允許不值得一提,但是我相信自己所說的都是真心話。 我感謝耶穌,感謝你們!我會把你們的愛心化為動力,我唯有銘記父母師長的囑咐,拋棄後顧之憂,刻苦學習,努力拼搏,勤儉節約,讀聖經,學會祈禱,珍惜每一分你們資助的資金,明確學習目標,以自信的態度,執著的信念,每天堅持早起的習慣,總之我會盡我自己最大的努力,完成學業。 我一定以自己的實際行動去證明。 我真的非常感謝你們,希望你們在主裡面平安,快樂,健康!


Dear brothers and sisters,

It is a blessing to be born in a Christian home. I got to know God since a young age and I am enjoying the encouragement and help from the big family of God.

I am really grateful for your adequate funds which help alleviate a big part of my family's burden. The day I received the funds, I could not control the tears gathering in my eyes. It was such a powerful shot in my arm of which I find no words to describe my gratefulness. I was not able to sleep at night thinking about the huge burden of my parents for keeping me in school and the pressure I was bearing knowing the poverty of my family.

Your funds have come to solve our problem and I am able to focus on my studies in peace. I cannot think of words to express what is in my heart; I do not go for flowery expressions but I want to give you fitting words of sincerity. Thank you! Your supports, together with advice from my parents and teachers, have motivated me to work diligently, single-mindedly and confidently for my future. I shall strive for a thrifty lifestyle and I will seek God through Bible reading and prayer. I shall complete my studies with utmost effort and discipline. Let me wish you joy, happiness and good health!"


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