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楊春獻 Yang Chun-xian

普米族 Pumi

主修:園藝技術 Major: AgricultureTechnology

資助年度 Supporting since:2011 & 2012

畢業年度 Graduation year:2013



Chun-xian was born in northwestern Yunnan in a highland village cut off from the outside world. One day a missionary couple came along and Chun-xian’s destiny was since changed.

She lost her father at a young age and her mother brought up the three daughters with great difficulties. Along the way, however, God used different people to bless her in education. Life was still tough but God’s grace was never short. This has caused Chun-xian to yearn for God and opportunities to study the Bible, to help others and to share the gospel with them. After completing her first year in the university, a foreign granny who financed her study became seriously ill and returned home for treatment. As a result, Chun-xian lost her support but she struggled through her second year and then ended up in debt. When she was introduced to us, she realized it was God again who helped her. Meanwhile, Chun-xian becomes increasingly certain of the reason that God has enabled her to continue her education in agriculture. She has decided that upon graduation, she will enter into full-time ministry to serve her own people group.

影片1 Video on 2014

影片2 Video on 2015 ( 最新影片 / most updated video )

感謝信 Thank-you letter









更新: 2014年12月


Dear Brothers and Sisters:

We grew up in the mountains and chances are we will not have any opportunity to be in contact with people on the outside. After my father passed away, an uncle and his family developed strained relations with us resulting in some unhappy memories. We had an unhappy childhood and we felt nobody loved us and we were frequently bullied by others.

One time, I followed my older sister to a nearby place which was being developed into a tourist spot. There we got to know Uncle Chen and his wife. By their care and concern, I felt the love of God the Father. Through them, my sister believed in Jesus. And within two years, she was groomed to be a leader and she led some village kids into the saving knowledge of Jesus. Though at that time I was still young and an unbeliever, I joined my sister’s Christian group and participated in the praise and worship.

I was truly born again in 2004 during my first year in junior high school. In 2007, I discovered that some of my schoolmates were believers. So I gathered them for regular Christian fellowship in the school on Saturdays though none of us then knew much about the scriptures. Upon entering senior high school, I am grateful that the Lord gave me a spiritual auntie. With the help of my spiritual auntie and other brothers and sisters, my spiritual life developed. When my auntie left us in 2009, I continued to grow in my walk with God. Together with a cousin, we started to lead the younger brothers and sisters in worshipping God and in Bible study. I thank God for providing all my needs during this period of life related to both my study and school fees. God helped me through different persons and means and led me walk into His will and plan.

Each time there were opportunities for spiritual training and special meetings, I would try my best to attend. In 2011, God called me to participate in a mission trip to a poor county in Sichuan. During that trip, I experienced God’s presence and leading. Upon returning, God continued to supply my needs and give me a clearer vision of His plan for my life.

That very year, I got a place in the university. An overseas sister, knowing my needs, gave me an offering through Revival Chinese Ministries International which helped settle the tuition fees of my first semester of study. I am grateful to God for putting me through another year of study with the help of RCMI. I treasure the opportunity to study in a university which is truly the chance of a lifetime. I am deeply grateful to God and to all who have loved, cared and supported me. I will follow God for the rest of my life!


UPDATES@Dec 2014

Recently we received a letter from Chun-xian, a Pumi believer who has completed her university education under our education aid program. She said after a year of working and searching, she has finally come to a realization of her calling which is to fulfill the Great Commission in her own ethnic group. It is certainly not an easy decision to make. Let us support her by prayer!

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