李順鳳 Li Shun-feng
傈僳族 Lisu
主修:商業英語 Major: Commercial English
資助年度 Supporting since:2012 - 2014
畢業年度 Graduation year:2015
Shun-feng was born in Christian family of abject peasantry background. She lives with parents and a married sister with her husband. Her entire family serves God in the local church. Li also has desire to serve God like other family members. Though lacking in materials, she feels rich spiritually. She is always grateful for being one of the three university students in her village.
感謝信 Thank-you Letter
我家是一個基督徒家庭,現在全家人都信主。儘管家境貧窮,爸爸連小學都沒畢業,媽媽更是學堂都沒進過,但因著信靠上帝的緣故,我們一家人生活得很快樂。爸爸媽媽雖然沒文化,但卻不像村子裡的其他家長一樣有重男輕女的思想,他們都很愛我和姐姐,我知道這一切都是上帝給我的恩典。由於貧窮,村裡面的小孩一般上完初中,父母就不在繼續供他們讀書了。但我的父母卻不一樣,儘管我們家窮,但他們一直都很支持我讀書,爸爸常說:「我們要專心信靠上帝,靠著耶穌剛強壯膽….. 」。感謝上帝,2011年,我終於如願以償的考上了大學,成為了我們村唯一一個上大學的女孩子,家裡人都很開心。
Beloved Brothers and Sisters:
Warmest regards! To all who have given toward the education fund and to all coworkers of Revival Chinese Ministries International involved in this project, let me say “Thank you for your labor!” With your help, I am able to undergo my university study smoothly. You have helped lighten my parents’ burden and given me lots of encouragement in life. I understand the sacrifices of my donors and that every dollar they contributed was hard-earned money. Probably the donors live a harder life than us. Thank you donors for your precious gifts! Although we live ocean apart, I wish to know you better and I believe you too want to know who we are. Let me therefore briefly introduce myself.
I was born into a Christian family, a poor one though. My father had only a few years of primary education while my mother had never been enrolled in a school. However, because of their faith in God, our family is a happy one. And unlike other villagers, my parents show no preference for male children. We two sisters are well loved by my parents and I realize this is God’s grace on me. Because of poverty, most villagers would not support their children beyond junior high school. Not for my parents though. They always encourage me to pursue more education, saying, “We must rely on God and be strong and courageous by the power of Christ….”I thank God for enabling me to fulfill my dream of university education. In 2011, I became the first girl in my village admitted to a university and everyone in my family was full of joy.
With that, I left my village for further study in my dreamed city. However, city life isn’t as easy as I thought. Previously I was way ahead of village kids in school performance. However, compared with city students now, I realize I am markedly behind them in capability. Besides, I am subject to worldly temptations of city life. As a result, I became very anxious initially. And then through introduction of some friends, I joined a campus Christian fellowship where I learned to look trust God for help. God opened a way out for me and helped me overcome my distress. Slowly I got used to campus life. I realize that I may not be as well-off or smart as my university mates. However, I’ve the most precious gift in life – Jesus Christ as my savior. From that standpoint, I am more blessed than anyone. Everything that I have today comes from God through trusting Him. Without God and help of my brothers and sisters, my educational pursuit would not have been so smooth.
I sincerely thank you for your sacrificial help! I know that I would not be able to repay your kindness. Your love has however motived me to study hard and love God more in my daily life. For your labor of love, may God reward you in great measures!
May you enjoy good health and a happy working life! Jesus loves you and I love you too!
Li Shun-feng