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余建英 Yu Jian-ying

傈僳族 Lisu

主修:英語 Major: English

資助年度 Supporting since:2013 - 2014

畢業年度 Graduation year:2015


Jian-ying is a third-generation Christian from a peasantry family. Her family land is small and never able to provide enough to satisfy household needs. Often her family resorts to borrowing for her education fees which are quite substantial. However, poverty does not kill her desire for self-improvement. Besides, she yearns to bring the gospel to her ethnic community.

感謝信 Thank-you Letter







Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Greetings! I thank God for leading me and binding us together in love even though we are oceans apart. I am very happy that we could know each other because of God’s love which fills my life. God is amazing; He never leaves us no matter where or when.

My name is Jian-ying, a believer and member of an ethnic minority; and currently an undergraduate. I am grateful to the Lord for guiding and protecting me all my life. When I was in needs and feeling helpless, God helped me in different ways. After completing my primary education, I had never thought of furthering my study in high school, let alone university. My desire then was to do my best in my immediate undertaking while God opened my education door a little at a time. Hence when I was offered a place in a junior high school in a neighboring county, I was caught unprepared. I could not decide if I should accept it because my family had no savings to finance my study.

Few local folks are educated or have money to put their children in schools; hence most kids in my area could only complete their primary school or dropped out half way. Still, my family decided to send me to high school by raising the fund from friends and relatives. After paying my school fees and food bills, my father was penniless. However, God’s love abounded throughout my three years in the junior high school. Amazing happenings continued. After that God opened a door for me in a senior high school and then in a university. Meanwhile, the Lord enabled me to know Him deeper and testify to the love of Jesus for the people around me. In God I have a new life and looking at it retrospectively, I could see how God walked with me all these years with grace and amazing deeds.

I am grateful to my brothers and sisters in Christ for the help and support in times of my needs so that I may pursue my study with peaceful mind. God’s love is everywhere and truly we are of one in family of Jesus.

I am willing to dedicate the rest of my life to shine for Jesus and with his love to bring changes to many lives. I am doing this by following the examples of my brothers and sister in Christ.

May you be richly blessed and that the peace and joy of God dwell with you!


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