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RCMI Newsletter February 2021

RCMI and Revival Christian Church – Happy Chinese New Year

When a man's ways are pleasing to the LORD, He makes even his

enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7

The proverb itself assumes that we will have enemies when we are walking with the Lord. However, when our ways are pleasing to God that God does some wonderful things in our lives. He takes those who are our enemies and makes them to be at peace with us. It does not mean that we don't have enemies, it means that they are at peace with us instead of warring or seeking to destroy us. They may still be our enemy, but they will choose peace rather than to be in open conflict with us.

Peaceful coexistence

Letter from Founder Pastor Dennis Balcombe

China, Our Enemy? Our Partner in World Evangelism?

China has been much in the news recently, and it has mostly been extremely negative. We hear reports about the initial cover-up of Covid-19, and China gets blamed for the pandemic. China’s military expansion including building islands in the Pacific Ocean, threats towards Taiwan, and economic policies including ‘one belt one road’ are perceived as part of China’s ambition to become the world’s number one superpower.

The United States and other nations have condemned the Communist Party for widespread human-rights abuses, suppression of Uighurs in Xinjiang, and repression of the democratic movement in Hong Kong. In the political climate in the West, nobody has a good word to say about China.

China is the largest populated nation in the World

But China is the largest populated nation, with possibly the largest numbers of true born-again Spirit filled Christians (estimates range from 70-130 million) of any nation and is the nation with the largest numbers of unreached peoples, those who have not heard the Gospel.

The former American ambassador to Beijing recently said, “China is not going anywhere.” We will all have to learn how to live with and properly relate to China. Instead of cursing the darkness, we must light the candle.

This is what the Gospel does. Since China opened up in the late 1970’s until just recently, tens of thousands of you supported ‘Bibles to China”. Thousands came to deliver Bibles and share Christ with the Chinese. Not a few ended up being missionaries to the Chinese. The Chinese church, in spite of many kinds of difficulties, is doctrinally solid and actively involved in evangelism to the unreached people’s in their nation, and other nations.

Our brothers and sisters in Christ

What you hear in the news and from the mouths of politicians about China only refers to the government, but in no way reflects the vast majority of the Chinese populace. Please understand that these tens of millions of Christians are our brethren in Christ. They are not our enemy! We must stand with them and help them in their time of adversity.

With a love of their nation and commitment to Christ and evangelism, very few Chinese believers will consider leaving for the freedoms and prosperity in the West. It is the same with us in Hong Kong. In spite of possible future restrictions on our freedoms, we know this is our home, mainland China is our mission field, and we are “not going anywhere”.

More importantly we know the power of prayer and the Gospel and are optimistic about the future. Our motto and vision: “Missions for China, China for Missions”

The Middle East mission team has members from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the United States. Peaceful coexistence is the main focus to shine for Jesus

Locally in Hong Kong, though church meetings are restricted to on-line only, the whole church participates, and hundreds are evangelized. Recently through the ‘food bank’ ministry of Revival Christian Church, hundreds of families have been blessed and many have given their lives to Christ. Many receiving help are recent arrivals from mainland China, people who never heard the Gospel in China.

The ministry of RCMI of which I am the director, is active in teaching and preaching to mainland Chinese churches through Zoom conferences, and we are still suppling many Bibles and teaching materials in electronic and on-line platforms. Shiloh Bible College is still active in Hong Kong, China, and Southeast Asia.

For the past four decades, I have travelled to many nations and developed relationships with many churches and ministries world-wide. Because of Covid-19 I have been restricted from travel since March 2020, yet we are involved in support of and ministry to people in these nations: China, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Lebanon, Taiwan, Morocco and France. This includes support of missionaries and evangelists, support of church planting, provision of Bibles and teaching materials, leadership training, disaster relief, and others.

Church of Nepal

Church of India

Church of China

Kenya Church

Church in India

Many of you through personal participation in our ministry, your financial support and prayers are very much a part of this harvest and will be greatly rewarded by the Lord. The Gospel will be preached with power to China and all these nations and with the completion of the Great Commission Christ will return!

Thank you.

Pastor Dennis Balcombe


My offering:

Online Donation:

Other Donation methods:

Cheques Donation: You are welcome to send your love offering to support the Chinese Churches through our ministries in China to your nearest RCMI office. Please have your gift clearly designated on the memo line, or with a note enclosed. A receipt will be sent to you.

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