RCMI Newsletter May 2020
2020 05 Work during the pandemic
Dear Friends of RCMI,
During the pandemic the pastors and missionaries in RCMI have been about our Father’s business, strengthening our training of pastors and preachers, using the opportunity to do relief work, distribute masks, and so on.
Distributing Masks in Pakistan
News from Paul (Missionary to E City – Middle East)
Peace to you! After spending three months at All Nations Church in Frankfurt, Germany, ministering to friends from E City, I returned in January to E City. Recalling the past two winters and summers in this new, unfamiliar place, the language remains a very big challenge for me; even now I haven’t gotten a good grasp of it—so please pray for me in this matter.
Many E City people came to Europe desperate for help and have come into the church to find Jesus. Most of them were refugees fleeing hardship. Getting to see them baptized in Jesus’ Name is something that has moved me beyond words!
Mithra, an E City sister, is in Germany for cancer treatment. Her husband had fallen in an accident in E City; and while in the ambulance, he had seen Jesus by his side. In his vision he also saw Jesus scream in pain as the Roman soldiers pierced His hands with the nails. Being in extreme pain himself, he had a deep understanding of the pain the Lord went through.
At that time still in E City, Mithra’s husband had obtained a Bible and read till the part where it tells about God’s love—but Islam prescribes all kinds of punishments for every little thing. He then began watching satellite Christian TV programs, joined an underground church, and brought his wife and mother to faith in Christ. Every day they studied the Bible and worshiped God, and because of the Bible they started tithing and stopped cheating people in their business dealings.
Two years ago, he came with his wife to Germany for medical treatment, and brothers and sisters in the church there cared for them—it was just what Jesus talked about—“What you did to the least of these brothers of mine, you have done to Me.” Thank God, they became a good model for me! Last month Sister Mithra passed on and is now with the Lord. Their 16-year-old daughter in E City is now separated from her dad; may God allow them to be reunited soon!
“Five Loaves & Two Fish”—a Project Conceived in Prayer
Because of the pandemic, in March E City released 70,000 prisoners, among whom were brothers and sisters who had been in prison for many years for their faith. Since their release their financial and living conditions have been extremely difficult. Also, Iranian refugees in Germany who’ve stayed there during the pandemic and lockdown have been having a very difficult time making ends meet. Finally I had a discussion with the E City brothers I stay with, and we decided to use all our remaining finances to start the “Fives Loaves & Two Fish” Project. This was because we can’t publicize—we have to keep this secret in order to protect family members in E City of the brothers and sisters here.
In the first distribution of the “Five Loaves & Two Fish” project, we helped six families, altogether 23 people, some of whom had been in prison for their faith.
The second time we helped ten families.
“Five Loaves & Two Fish” - First, Second Time Distributing Food Packets
We are now preparing for the third distribution, expecting everyone’s participation!
We’ve contacted more families of E City believers and gotten to know their situations. May the Lord provide and expand our resources so we can bless more needy families, and even help family members of brothers and sisters who are going through the fire right now.
The pandemic situation in E City is grim. The goal of the Five Loaves & Two Fish Project is to buy rice and distribute it to families in poor areas around the capital. This will include Afghani refugees, street children who beg or earn a few pennies wiping car windows at traffic lights, families who collect and sell trash for a living, orphanages who don’t have enough income, Christians who’ve lost their jobs and don’t have enough to feed and clothe their families, etc. May the Lord give us the opportunity to help them!
Poor People Living on the Capital’s Outskirts
The intent of the Five Loaves & Two Fish project is to demonstrate the Lordship of Christ over all things, who has authority to bring into being things that are not; and also to put into action God’s mercy toward mankind. Even though those five thousand didn’t follow Christ, nevertheless, God still provided graciously for them. Lord, please bless Your ‘five loaves and two fish’! May it be used by the Lord to bring authority that causes what is not to come into being – the Mercy of God toward people!
Finally, thank you, Revival Christian Church and RCMI for your continuous support; I believe the Five Loaves & Two Fish Project will, in the end, bring forth a good crop of fruit!
Sincerely from Brother Paul, missionary to E City
The Church of China—Counterattack in the Midst of Crisis:
During the pandemic we’ve been unable to travel, but love has not stopped moving! The church is continuing to witness for the Lord:
It seemed the Lord had cruelly closed the church building’s ‘big door,’ but in fact He had opened three even bigger windows and turned this predicament into a blessing!
The Church of China during the pandemic
1: Spiritual Ministry: Prayer, Praise, and Worship
For many years the church in the whole world prayed for China; but now the Church of China is taking its harp and censer before the Lord to pray for the nations. The different ministries of the church have ceased operating, but prayer still continues. “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kinds and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
A life of worship—no matter what time, place, or circumstance—brings the praise which is God’s throne; and when He comes down to us, the situation changes—this is a spiritual law!
Leaders in Hong Kong praying for the nation
2: Online Ministry
Moses went to the top of Mount Sinai into the cloud before God and received His Word; today each one of us can likewise come “into the cloud” before God to receive His Word.
Because the Chinese church lacks young people who understand how to use the internet, they don’t know how to conduct online meetings; this lack has caused us to suffer in our growth and learning process! Understanding how to do live broadcasts online is now an essential part of the curriculum for being able to lead praise and worship, teach, hold small groups, introduce people to the Gospel, conduct Sunday School, give pastoral care, and so on.
Sharing the Word of God through online video
3: Cultural Ministry
It used to be that introducing people to the Gospel meant taking them to a church meeting; however, many people were unwilling or simply didn’t go because they had some conflict or bias concerning the church—especially those people of different faiths.
So we are using current cultural methods to introduce praise and worship, the Word of God, and love coming through believers into the culture.
A brother, a hairdresser, is volunteering in his community, going to neighbors’ houses to give them haircuts. In a short time, hundreds of neighbors he’d given haircuts to joined his online friend group. If we compare this to what we consider ‘normal,’ there’s no way he could have brought so many people into the church, but today he has successfully brought the church into his community!
A sister who creates biblical-values-based animated videos doesn’t openly say she is a Christian or raise any ‘religious flag’; but she is passing on God’s Word and His will through her work. She now has 120,000 fans and more than two million ‘likes.’
Enter the community to serve to gain the unreached
In Summary:
Today we need to have another good look at this question: How do we infuse our (biblical) culture into society for the masses, into the online community, and into the nations of the world? In China, the door of religion is more and more restricted; but a great door to cultural influence is opening wider and wider. It’s happening because God wants more people to hear about Him and the Good News of Jesus Christ and how He has brought salvation to the world.
Today, we must enter the sphere of current culture to win more souls!
Bless you! And may you all be safe!
Psalm 100:4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise.
Pastor Matthew Leung,
Revival Christian Church
My offering: This is my ‘five loaves and two fish’ to participate in the “Five Loaves & Two Fishe” Project. Online Donation:
Paypal www.paypal.me/rcmi
Other Donation methods:
Cheques Donation: You are welcome to send your love offering to support the Chinese Churches through our ministries in China to your nearest RCMI office. Please have your gift clearly designated on the memo line, or with a note enclosed. A receipt will be sent to you.