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RCMI Newsletter August 2021

The Gospel for the Next Generation

The Gospel for the Next Generation

Pastor Solomon, Senior Pastor

Revival Christian Church, Paris, France

Among believers who had received ministry from Pastor Dennis Balcombe, some emigrated from Wenzhou, China, to Europe; and Pastor Dennis then visited them and encouraged them to rise up and establish churches. RCMI also wholeheartedly participated in this work, and it bore much fruit, among whom was Brother Solomon. He was one of very few who, though he had come to Europe from Wenzhou for the purpose of making money, responded to God's call, resolutely laid down his chance for gainful employment, and equipped himself in RCMI's Shiloh Bible College. After years of hard work and perseverance, he became the senior pastor of the Paris, France Revival Christian Church. He shares below:

Pastor Solomon

Young People's Group, Wenzhou, China

The Gospel's "Next Stop"

The once-in-a-century pandemic has disrupted everyone's lives and changed many people's plans. Covid-19, appearing as if out of nowhere, and has become a major test. Ever since it broke out, those of every trade and profession including religious organizations have been forced to close their doors. In regard to the church, the main question is, will we measure up to God's standard in this test? In this 'pandemic generation,' how can the church arise and shine? How can the church be effective in the world's 'new order' brought on by this transformation?

Future Revival Among European Chinese Churches

Europe is made up of 46 countries with a total area of over 10 million square kilometers and population of about 750 million. People's basic beliefs are Christian -- Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox Christianity, or Protestantism. 80% claim to be Christian, but less than 18% actually attend church; and Protestants account for only about 3% (figures obtained online). Europe is in a severe crisis of faith. The number of people with true faith in the Lord is steadily declining, and European countries now need missionaries sent to them, though they used to be the continent sending the most missionaries.

Ten years ago I heard "the Macedonian Call" again, and God gave me a vision for revival in Europe. In the last seven or eight years we've been promoting and conducting revival campaigns all over Europe, and many Chinese church leaders have begun responding and participating. To further this work, in 2018 we set up the "European Revival Mission" in Frankfurt, Germany.

The Third European Conference was held in 2016 in France with more than a thousand from all over Europe participating.

The European Revival Mission was established in 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany.

Vision of the European Revival Mission: To arouse Chinese Christians scattered over Europe, to see Europe revived, to awaken Europeans out of their deep sleep so that God can restore spiritual light to Europe, to fulfill Heaven's Great Commission, to arouse people to welcome spiritual revival.

Our Mission: To call together Chinese churches of different backgrounds, to unite churches in their localities, to sow the Gospel seed, to wake up sleeping churches and to equip those that are growing, to train young leaders for this generation, so that Chinese churches will become a blessing to Europe and the world.

Our Goals: Call Together, Train, and Send.

Our Missions Motto:

Joining together, we establish relationships.

Being led by the Spirit, our lives are built up.

Caring for those within, we reach out to those outside.

Complimenting one another in ministry, we work as one to spread the Gospel.

The challenges facing European Chinese churches are many. Most believers in European Chinese churches came from mainland China. During the 1980's and '90s, Chinese immigrants settled in all of Europe's many different countries, and some of the Christians among them established churches. Their church services were similar to those they'd held in China. As first-generation Christian immigrants aged, second- and third-generation leaders rose up among them; but their culture, language, and thinking were very different from those of their parents. The way that the parents had conducted church couldn't satisfy the needs of the second and third generation. As time has gone on, churches have had to transition to younger leadership, and there have been fewer and fewer new Chinese immigrants. It has become hard to find services conducted in Mandarin; they increasingly tend to be conducted in the local language.

Training young leaders has become a most pressing matter: first to establish foundations of faith, then to broaden their vision of targets for evangelism and to get involved with local people and groups so that revival can be brought to Europe.

Revival Christian Church, Paris, France

The First Asia Revival Conference - Bali, Indonesia

The Rapid Rise of Asia - Shouldering the Great Commission

During the past 40 years, Christianity in Asia has spread faster than ever before; and we often hear that the baton for taking the gospel to the ends of the earth has been passed to the Chinese for the last lap. Although I don't totally agree that we are on the "last lap," I do believe that God has given the task of fulfilling the Great Commission in this time to the Chinese and to Asians in general, and that the purpose of Asia's abrupt rise is to bless every nation.

Asia is a continent of different beliefs and religions, among which Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam dominate most people's worldviews. These yet unsaved people will be the motivating force for our advance; and during the next ten years, China in East Asia will be the "lead sheep" in this wave of missions. Asia's next ten years will be the most unsettled time since World War II; so how will we take on the historic responsibilities of the Great Commission? How can we stir up the faith of church leaders to answer God's call to become a blessing to every nation in the next ten years?

Malaysia - a Country of Many Peoples, Faiths, Languages, and Cultures

Malaysia -- An Important Gateway

Malaysia is uniquely situated, having different people groups of different beliefs and languages, all living together in relative peace. It provides an excellent location for us to do discipleship training, a place where it's convenient to become familiar with customs and traditions of different cultures. It can become an important center for training disciples and a springboard for sending them. Because of its geographical advantages, Malaysia can become a Southeast Asian hub for God's purposes in Europe and Asia. Yours,

Revival Christian Church, Paris, France

Pastor Solomon


My offering:

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Cheques Donation: You are welcome to send your love offering to support the Chinese Churches through our ministries in China to your nearest RCMI office. Please have your gift clearly designated on the memo line, or with a note enclosed. A receipt will be sent to you.

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