July 2022 RCMI Newsletter
November 1-5, 2022 Liverpool, England 7th European Revival Conference - "Winning the Battle , Inheriting the Land"
In the past, Chinese churches in Europe, as well as believers and leaders from China, Hong Kong, and the rest of the world, have been drawn to attend the European Revival Conference. But after the pandemic began wreaking its havoc in 2020, the conference was suspended for two years in order to comply with government pandemic measures. But this year, at the leading of God, we are holding the 7th European Revival Conference in Liverpool, England: "Winning the Battle, Inheriting the Land"
We look forward to churches' and believers' coming together once again in these turbulent, pandemic-disturbed Last Days. Let us display Christian courage and faith as we face these stormy times: together let us receive the Holy Spirit's power, triumph in our spiritual war, and possess the land!
We request that you complete your registration for the conference right away.

7th European Revival Conference

A Teacher's Calling
A Shiloh Bible Teacher's Calling to Become a Well-trained Teacher
When athletes or businesspeople are interviewed, they often say that the turning point in their lives occurred when they met a person who was their mentor or teacher who introduced them to their field. During the time they were struggling through a deep valley, a mentor came along, someone who became a reliable friend as they walked together through great difficulties. This is a lifelong answer ... RCMI Shiloh Bible college has the calling and mission to invest in the next generation of theological students.
As teachers, we exist for the times that our students have emotional or personal difficulties. One of those times is when they make mistakes -- we can go through the trouble with them. When we realize the distressing needs that the next generation feels, we can wipe away their tears and give them the physical, mental, spiritual, and financial help they need so they can continue to grow.
When students reminisce about their good times in the classroom, it's not about the well-prepared curriculums, or perhaps the achievements of scientific research that prove the Bible; rather, it's about how they felt when they were with their classmates and teachers -- the unconditional love they experienced walking together with us in a living experience of eternal Truth. We have been called to become the hands and feet of Christ. We are required to pour our very lives and souls into these 'children' -- these theology students.

Reminiscing on Good Times Together (1)

Reminiscing on Good Times Together (2)
Shiloh Bible College, Pakistan
Greetings in Jesus' Name! I trust you are doing well! We've had very heavy rains which continued for three days. The internet and the electricity were shut off.
By the grace of GOD today, June 15th, we opened Shiloh Bible School's first class. Attendance was full and the students were very happy to be in class. In accordance with the syllabus, we have begun our studies with Old Testament Survey.
People in our area are very happy about Shiloh Bible School. We are thankful to GOD for the school. With your concern and love, we believe that in the future GOD will establish Shiloh Bible School in different cities of Pakistan.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Akash Shahzad

Opening Ceremony, Shiloh Bible College, Pakistan

The First Class of Shiloh Bible College, June 15th.
Introduction to the Inauguration of Shiloh Bible School, Pakistan
Shiloh Church is an inter-denominational local church founded in 1965 in Oakland California, USA. The founding pastor was the late Dr. Rev. Violet Kiteley. The church is now under the pastorship of Javier and Melinda Ramos. Melinda is the granddaughter of Rev . Violet Kiteley. The teachings and beliefs of the church are based on the Full Gospel/Pentecostal Gospel, and it has now developed into a large church of several thousand members, branch churches and missionaries throughout North America and many other nations. Shiloh Bible College was started in the early 1970’s to first give all the people in the church the opportunity to receive a full Biblical education. It later developed into a full-fledged recognized Bible College offering degrees in Bachelor of Theology and Master of Theology. Many of those trained are now serving in full-time ministry in North America and other nations. Over the years Shiloh Bible College developed branch schools in several nations: Ethiopia, Philippines, Hong Kong and China. Several thousands have been trained and many are pastors or preachers in local churches in the above nations. Shiloh Bible School Pakistan, which is a branch of Shiloh Bible College in Hong Kong and the United States, launched its inauguration service on June 15, 2022. Our vision is to provide Christians in Pakistan with the opportunity to study the Bible and be trained in Pentecostal theology. The classes will be aimed at training both lay believers as well as those who aim for a recognized theological degree for full-time Christian service. Pastor Dennis Balcombe Revival Chinese Ministries Hong Kong SAR

Social Distancing
China and Hong Kong Remember 2021-22: "Social Distancing" Since COVID-19 began its rapid spread in 2019, the school has now mostly switched to an online class format. As in-person classes became difficult or impossible to arrange, especially in China, it turned out that the Bible School began enjoying greater room for expansion. Without a doubt, everyone's familiarity with online meetings was a big plus. It is certain that many people have been able to take theology classes which originally, they probably just wished they could take but were unable or afraid to travel far for. Beginning in 2020, we replanned our operation and schedule to accommodate the needs of students in different time zones. Overseas believers (those other than in China and Hong Kong) could now register for courses, and we were able to invite teachers situated overseas to give classes, increasing our resource base for planning courses.

A Teacher's Anointing

Shiloh Bible College Graduating Class
Student Testimony: Zeng Zhuxiang Studying in the Bible School affected and helped me a lot, especially in the matters of pastoring a church and shepherding believer. My Bible school courses over the past year or so, as I have again thought about Biblical core values, have given me a new way of looking at how to pastor and lead the brothers and sisters. I was discouraged about my pastoral work and didn't know how I should lead, or what direction I should take. But the teachers' sharing of life experiences during the weekly classes benefited me a lot. Whether in the matter of clarifying doctrine or explaining scriptural viewpoints, I was enabled to see the broader context of the Bible; and I gained a deeper hunger to learn God's Word and a greater expectation of putting its teaching into practice, so I could be a blessing to others. What I have learned from God's Word in these theology classes has made me think a lot and has strengthened me and made me more able to minister. I want to say a big "Thank you" to each one of my teachers for their selfless teaching. Their teaching has nourished my spiritual life. I fervently hope that I will be able to continue to pass on Bible truth, build a church that is pleasing to God, and become a blessing to this land.

Shiloh Bible College, China

Shiloh Bible College, China
Thank you! As always, we are thankful for your prayers, and we ask you to continue to remember the work of Shiloh Bible College. Also, thank you for the financial help you have provided, sharing with us as we serve in our joint calling with you to be the joy of Shiloh Bible College's teachers! Sincerely, Dennis Balcombe, Founder of RCMI and Lifetime Honorary Chairman Samuel Cheng, Shiloh Bible College - Chief Executive Officer Revival Chinese Ministries International (RCMI)