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February 2022 RCMI Newsletter

China, Sichuan Young People’s Church Received RCMI Bibles in Nov 2021

Your Labor Is Not in Vain and Your Works Follow You!

Pastor Dennis Balcombe, Founder of RCMI, writes:

Dear Pastors, Brothers, and Sisters,

The Bible says, “Yes, that they may rest from their labors; and their works follow them.” (Rev 14:13)

Because of your labors, the lives of many Chinese have been changed -- they have realized how valuable they are! Your labor, tested by God, has been found acceptable; and now its results are spreading and growing from those you first touched.

The missionary vision of Revival Chinese Ministries International, which was established in 1979 to minister primarily to mainland China, has now been expanded to minister to many nations throughout Asia, Africa, Europe, and even South America.

Bibles for Chinese Believers

The vision of RCMI has four aspects; and in this report, I want to share on the ‘R’-- Resource Center. From 1979 until just a few years ago, countless tens of thousands of Bible couriers known as “Donkeys For Jesus” delivered many millions of copies of the Holy Bible and other major theological teaching books into the People’s Republic of China.

These couriers came to Hong Kong from North America, Europe, and many Asian nations and included our own Hong Kong church members. If you were one of those who either came in person to deliver these materials or financially contributed to this work, representing the Chinese Christians I want to convey to you a big ‘Thank You.”

Pastor Dennis Balcombe With a Group of “Donkeys for Jesus.”

The last time I visited mainland China several years ago, I went into a remote rural area and visited an official ‘Three Self Church.” I found every seat had a copy, not of a Bible printed in China, but of the Bibles we previously delivered in the 1990’s and the first decade of the 20th century. These were first delivered to house churches. Also on the book shelves of leaders of both official churches and house churches, I would invariably see several volumes of the various teaching materials we delivered. Very few of these were printed in China; they had to be brought in from overseas.

Three-Self Church, Rural China

If you were one of those who came in person or supported in finances or prayers, I want to share Paul’s word with you, recorded in 1 Corinthians 15:58:

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”

Those Bibles and books, even after many years, are still in use and vital to the spiritual life of believers and leaders. RCMI is still active in providing the Bible to the Chinese in the mainland, not now through couriers but through the purchase of copies of the Chinese Union Version legally printed by the Chinese Christian Council.

Boxes of Bibles Purchased in China

A Bible Is Given to a Sister in Sichuan Province

We are also providing weekly teaching to mainland Chinese Christians, including leaders throughout China, using Zoom and other electronic media platforms. Revival Christian Church has daily devotional Bible expository teachings in Cantonese and Mandarin that also minister to countless numbers of Chinese in the mainland and throughout the world.

During the past few years, the ministry of RCMI has expanded to minister to Christians in multiple nations: Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, Kenya, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Burundi, Tanzania, and The Democratic Republic of Congo.

Distributing Bibles and Songbooks in India

Distributing Kirundi Bibles to Christians in Burundi

Nepali Bible Distribution

Distributing Bibles to Vietnamese Believers

Arabic Bibles for Lebanon’s Young People

Through your offerings and support, we provide US $15,000-20,000 every month to multiple ministries in many nations to purchase and distribute Bibles, both for Christians in rural areas where Bibles are scarce, and for evangelism. Uncounted tens of thousands of Bibles have thus been provided in the last year alone. We also provide funds for many other needs.

I have weekly Zoom conferences with churches in many of these nations in which I teach the Word and preach to churches, as we do in China. We are also working with pastors in several nations to set up Bible Schools, and we will provide the necessary materials.

During the forty-three years of this ministry, we developed a mailing list of several tens of thousands of couriers and supporters. But we are having to delete many names as one by one they are going on to be with the Lord. I was only 24 when I came to Hong Kong to start this ministry, and I am now 76.

But the Lord gave me this Scripture to share with you:

Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, "Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’" "Yes," says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them” (Rev 14:13).

After sowing for many years, we now see a bountiful harvest. But there are still many places that require your labor in order that the Gospel seed may continue to be sown. We thank God that due to your labors, the lives of many lives have been changed -- they have realized how valuable they are! Your labor, tested by God, has been found acceptable; and now its results are spreading and growing from those you first touched.


Pastor Dennis Balcombe

Founder of RCMI and Lifetime Honorary Chairman


My offering:

Online Donation:

Other Donation methods:

Cheques Donation: You are welcome to send your love offering to support the Chinese Churches through our ministries in China to your nearest RCMI office. Please have your gift clearly designated on the memo line, or with a note enclosed. A receipt will be sent to you.

For other ways to donate, please go to:


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