RCMI Newsletter December 2020
Five Loaves and Two Fishes Project: Express Bulletin from Missionary Brother Paul in E-Country
Exclusive Interview with Pastor Kathy (Part 1)
Dear Partners of RCMI, Revival Christian Church,
Five Loaves and Two Fishes Project: Express Bulletin from Missionary Brother Paul in E-Country
E-Country Under Assault by Both Pandemic and Inflation.
Thank you, RCMI and pastors, brothers, and sisters of Revival Christian Church, for your support and blessings! Now that E-Country is being assaulted by both the pandemic and inflation, people's lives are even more difficult than before. The blessings we're able to give to the desperate ones are, as the Chinese say, like coals given in frigid snowy weather. Although the Five Loaves and Two Fishes Project isn't able to provide help for even a thousand, yet we can help over one hundred families, an orphanage, and others; and we are expecting God to do miracles again! May the grace of God extend over all of E-Country and bring glory to our Lord Jesus Christ, and may it protect all the brothers and sisters here and all the volunteers who are quietly giving their time and effort to bless this project and do distribution.
A Meal for an Orphanage
We have been providing financial assistance to orphanages in different areas, an orphanage for handicapped girls, a home for the elderly, to widows and orphans, poor families, and brothers and sisters in need. Donations we make include food packets, daily use items, medical treatment, masks, disinfectant supplies, adult diapers, tuition fees for poor students, etc.
We are thankful for all of the brothers and sisters in the Lord who join with us heart and hand to help, as the Scripture says, "He whose eye is generous will be blessed, for he gives food to the poor" (Prov 22:9).
Sincerely, from the servants of E-Country
Missionary Paul Huang & team
Brother Paul Visiting a Recipient Family
Recipient orphans
Exclusive Interview with Pastor Kathy (Part 1)
By Vinni
God's Preparation
She's such a gentle spiritual mother -- yet one having power and authority -- who has been serving quietly many years, supporting RCMI and Revival Christian Church in prayer -- she's our pillar of strength: Pastor Kathy Balcombe!
Pastor Kathy has just celebrated her 70th birthday! Whenever Pastor Kathy Balcombe's name is mentioned, usually it's in association with her husband, Pastor Dennis Balcombe. We admire her obedience and willingness to travel far across the ocean with her husband to Hong Kong to serve the church here and help her husband fulfill his missionary calling. This in an indisputable fact which no one can deny! But you can discover, as we did in our interview with Pastor Kathy, that she is a missionary through-and-through in her own right; and you will see how God provided and prepared the way for her.
When I first met Pastor Kathy I was very surprised at how fluent her Cantonese was. And she didn't just follow Pastor Dennis to Hong Kong and China to ‘tie the knot’ in their profound, heaven-ordained relationship; actually even beginning at her birth and while growing up, she had already formed an indissoluble bond with Asia. This was because of her missionary family background: her father was a doctor and her mother a nurse sent by the Presbyterian Church to Thailand as medical missionaries. That's why she was born in Thailand ... so you might even say she was a missionary from birth!
Anyone living in a foreign land naturally finds dealing with the two issues of language and culture to be big challenges. But I was surprised to find out that as far as Pastor Kathy is concerned, the United States was her “foreign land”! When she was small, her family would return to the U.S. after every five years on the field. The first time they returned occurred when she was 2, so she doesn’t remember much of that visit. The second time she was 8, and she had to deal with those two problems (language and culture). English was her foreign language; but thank God He provided an American missionary couple from whom she learned English. However, her classmates would laugh at her accent, and also her place of birth, and she added that they just didn’t understand Asians. As I listened to her explain details about this time from her past, not only did I not feel any resentment coming out of her, but rather I could feel her tolerance and acceptance of those schoolmates.