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RCMI Newsletter Feb 2020

Evangelism, Salvation, Church Unity, and China’s Reform Through the Covid-19 Epidemic

Chinese language, which looks difficult and complicated, is shorter and more concise in use than many European languages. This is in part due to the use of idioms which are 4 to 8 characters (Chinese words) that describe a complicated situation or philosophy which might take a few sentences or paragraphs to describe in European languages such as English.

One of these is "天災人禍," which can be translated “Natural disaster, human calamity.” This covers all major disasters in the world. For example, genocide, wars, evil governments, etc., would be “human calamity.” Earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes are usually classified as natural disasters. However, the two are often related.

For example, many believe the wasteful use of natural resources with little or no regard for environmental factors might lead to global warming, which results in the melting of glaciers and the flooding and eventual destruction of some islands, increased serious devastation from hurricanes, etc.

Hong Kong declares Wuhan virus outbreak an “emergency”

At the time of this writing this Coronavirus (19 Feb 2020), now classified as Covid-19, has officially resulted in 75,202 proven infections and 2,010 deaths. The true numbers are without doubt much more, as many have died at home and no report was made to the authorities; and the numbers will probably exponentially increase before it is brought under control.

In Hong Kong, while there have been only 62 proven infections with 2 death to date, the whole city is in lockdown; and probably over 99% are wearing face masks in public places including church meetings. The borders to China have been effectively closed, and everyone coming from China, including HK citizens, must be quarantined for two weeks; all schools have been cancelled; and all civil servants and many in other professions such as those working with banks work from home.

There have been panic buying and illegal price increases of face masks, which are in short supply, and also of other items such as toilet paper, sanitary items, and even rice. These are not in short supply, but fake news and false rumors have resulted in panic buying.

But for the church, this has been a blessing in disguise—a great opportunity to pray and spread the Gospel. There have been many city-wide prayer meetings in which Christians from all groups and different denominations gather to pray and worship, thus resulting in more unity. Prayer meetings in most churches are much better attended than previously.

Christians and local churches are using the epidemic as an opportunity to help many in the panicking society and to share Christ with others. Several weeks ago, when face masks were in short supply in Wuhan, many Christians were on the street, freely distributing masks to the people with a Gospel message and prayers for the people.

RCMI has served the Church in Wuhan for many years and also ran the Shiloh Bible College a few years ago.

Revival Christian Church has a ministry to provide free of charge small bottles of disinfectant alcohol, in short stock in the stores. Through this method we share the Gospel with the people in our district.

While many other churches cancelled their services last Sunday, RCC had services as normal. But the temperature of everyone was checked at the door, and the whole congregation wore face masks. The attendance was actually higher than normal, as many from churches that had cancelled their meetings came. There was a record of over 1900 who watched on Facebook live. When the altar call was given, in both services dozens came forward to rededicate their lives to the Lord, to accept Christ and receive healing.

The Revival Christian Church meets as usual, checks the temperature before entering the church, and wears a mask.

This is an exact repeat of the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) epidemic in 2003, which killed 774 worldwide and 299 in Hong Kong. At that time, SARS resulted in a massive economic depression in Hong Kong, a property and stock market crash, massive unemployment, bur revival in the church. Due to the fear of possible death resulting from infection by the virus, many came to church and became Christians. It is possible this will be repeated in this Covid-19 epidemic.

SARS, as Covid-19, began in China but spread to Hong Kong through a massive cover-up on the part of the Chinese authorities. History has repeated itself, and one of the headlines in our local newspapers is “Coronavirus: Hundreds in China Sign Petition for Free Speech.”

These hundreds are leading intellectuals and academics, many in the medical profession, and they are taking a great risk to their careers and personal freedom by openly signing petitions calling for free speech. Their petition was to the National People’s Congress and listed five demands, including one to protect people’s rights to freedom of expression.

Tsinghua University sociologist Guo Yuhua said, “If the warnings had been heard much earlier, this outbreak wouldn’t have got to the state of no return” (from The South China Morning Post February 12 article “Coronavirus: Li Wenliang’s Death Prompts Academics to Challenge Beijing on Freedom of Speech.”)

This relates to the death of Li Wenliang, the doctor who was reprimanded by the police for trying to warn people about the virus outbreak last December. Within a few hours of his death there were nearly two million entries on the Chinese social media Weibo calling for freedom of speech and tens of thousands expressed their views that the government owes Dr. Li an apology. All of these millions of comments were quickly censored and removed. But the fact remains that in the cases of both SARS and Covid-19, some Chinese authorities have put social stability over the welfare and health of the people.

In this case, many officials in Wuhan and other parts of Hubei Province that mishandled the crisis have been dismissed from their posts. While nobody can be sure of the future, we can pray that this devastating epidemic will result in more freedoms for the people, including the freedom to share the Gospel message.

Only time will tell if this will happen, but we know now that the churches in Wuhan and Hong Kong and possibly other places are rising up to meet the challenge through God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. We have testimonies of Christians in Wuhan who were affected with the virus receiving healing through prayer. Even more exciting, we have heard that many previously lukewarm believers have renewed their lives and devotion to the Lord.

Unbelieving Chinese will see the lack of fear and the joy, peace, and confidence in the lives of believers; and this fact, coupled with practical Gospel outreach programs by the church such as providing free face masks and disinfectant alcohol to the people, will cause many to come to know the Lord.

Church in Wuhan

We are all quoting and standing on the promise of Psalm 91:5-6, “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.”

The Chinese characters for ‘crisis’ are 危机, pronounced ‘wei-ji.’ The first character means danger, and the second is opportunity. Through the danger to life itself from the Covid-19 virus, the church has opportunity through prayer and gifts of healing to bring healing to the sick. Many will see that Christians will be protected from the virus, and those infected will be healed. The Gospel will be preached! And we pray this will all result in more freedoms in China whereby the who nation can eventually be evangelized, and Christ will return (Matthew 24:14).

Pastor Dennis Balcombe

Founder of RCMI

A word from RCC Head Pastor Samuel Lau:

The 'C' in 'RCMI' stands for 'Church development.' Our aim is to aid the multifaceted development of the Chinese church. However, in 2019 the Chinese church experienced increasing pressure from the government, and the scope of our service to them was definitely affected!

Due to the current tense political atmosphere, many times we had to cancel training meetings we'd scheduled. Also, many churches were closed down by government officials and required to stop meetings. This was happening all over the country in many different cities. Because of the severe restrictions, churches had to "break up" in order to keep on pastoring: they had to change to a small-group format that could carry on in different locations.

Though they met all kinds of difficulties, most of the pastors we work with have stood firm in the face of these challenges. We ourselves have also stayed positive, walking and working with them to support and encourage them. Also, during this time some interesting things have happened! Many church workers have taken the time to think over the past ten or twenty years, and they realized the Chinese church hasn't lacked support or resources; in fact many foreign church organizations have enthusiastically helped them. But the Chinese church wasn't making the necessary effort to adapt resources culturally and integrate them into their pastoring. But now the situation is compelling them to put every effort into adapting and applying their pastoral studies! And we're grateful to have witnessed an increase in prayer in many churches during this time and also increased unity.

But the most exciting thing is we see the churches are zealously preaching the Gospel and not pulling back, and brothers and sisters are boldly continuing to bear witness for Jesus.

Chinese pastoral workers face challenges

Though our small-group churches have all been affected by the Covid-19 virus, the spread of the Gospel has not been hindered by it! Both the disciple-making churches that we serve in China and Revival Christian Church in Hong Kong are using the internet to broadcast services live. Brothers and sisters who can't come to meetings as normal can watch the live broadcasts, and the church hasn't stopped meeting! And we've seen attendance at RCC prayer meetings in Hong Kong has increased.

Hong Kong Revival Christian Church distribution masks and preach the gospel

I'm asking each of you, please pray for the Chinese church. May the Lord protect them and may He give us more opportunities to serve Chinese churches that are making disciples!

Pray that medical supplies will be available in China and Hong Kong, especially masks, disinfectant alcohol, daily cleaning supplies, etc.

May the Lord expel all fear and grant His peace... Praise the Lord!

Pastor Samuel Lau


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