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RCMI Newsletter Nov 2019

Three Generations, Fifty Years of Partnership

Shiloh Church and Revival Christian Church – Three Generations, Fifty Years of Partnership – Pastor David Kiteley and Pastor Balcombe Walking in Harmony

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings from Hong Kong! Hong Kong is now experiencing one of the most turbulent times in its history since becoming a port, but Christ is our Refuge and our Help in the midst of this storm! We of Revival Christian Church and Revival Chinese Ministries International promise that we will continue shining our light for the Lord in Hong Kong; we will keep our lamp up on its stand, so that the true Light of the Lord continues shining in Hong Kong! We’ve now completed RCC’s 50th anniversary celebration; an RCMI conference; and the Revive Europe Conference at the end of October in Germany. We’ve been able to accomplish these things because of your continual prayers for us over these past fifty years, and we continue to rely on your partnership and support as we move ahead to extend God’s Kingdom!

Revival Christian Church’s 50th Anniversary Celebration

Revival Chinese Ministry International Conference

Revival Europe Conference

Pastor David Kiteley is the second-generation head pastor of Pastor Dennis Balcombe’s “mother church” in California, USA. He has been partnering with us for the entire past fifty years. He said, “At one time, this was something that simply could never happen—but now this dream has come true—it has unfolded before our very eyes.”

Pastor David Kiteley at Revival Christian Church in the 70’s

Pastor Dennis Balcombe received the call to China while still in the United States. He officially began his missionary journey when Shiloh Church of California, USA, sent him to Hong Kong on 24th March, 1969. In October of the same year, he held his first Sunday church worship meeting in Hong Kong. In 1978 the door to China opened; and in 1979, Revival Christian Church began the ministry of carrying Bibles to China – the “Donkeys-for-Jesus Ministry.” Every month, dozens or even hundreds of foreign brothers and sisters came to Hong Kong to help take Bibles into China. God blessed Revival Christian Church greatly: we thrived and multiplied, and this year we celebrated our church’s fiftieth anniversary.

Revival Christian Church – a New Generation

Having personally witnessed the entire progression of RCC’s years of ministry, Pastor David Kiteley said, “One of the greatest joys and privileges of the Kiteley family and Shiloh Church was to have been selected by God to partner with [the Balcombe family] in Kingdom ministry over the past 50 years.” He went on to say that his mother, the late Dr. Violet Kiteley, and Shiloh Church in its infancy saw tremendous potential in Pastor Dennis and sent him to Hong Kong. This little church in Oakland, California, then continued faithfully to support Pastor Dennis and encouraged other churches to do the same.

Pastor Kiteley joked that in the 70’s when he first would come to Hong Kong to minister with Pastor Dennis, Pastor Dennis would suddenly disappear...what actually happened was that he would have gone off to some mountain top where he could see mainland China, and he would be interceding, praying that China’s door would once more open to the Gospel and to foreign missionaries. At the time, some well-known Chinese Christian leaders thought he was crazy, and one even labeled him as “God’s Fool”—they thought the belief that China’s door would open again was just idiotic nonsense! But the miracle finally happened—around 1980 China began issuing tourist visas, which allowed Pastor Kiteley’s team to go with Pastor Dennis to visit mainland China—the China which for more than thirty years had been completely closed to the outside world. Later, after the house church movement began, Pastor Dennis became regarded as one of its pioneers; everyone recognized him as the apostle of the Holy Spirit, as he was always laying hands on people to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and to be healed of all kinds of sickness.

In his China travels between the late 80’s and early 90’s, Pastor David Kiteley relates that he witnessed 2400 young people—teens up to early twenties—most of whom had walked or bicycled 60-70 km (about 40 miles) in order to get to that meeting—he was there when they lined up in the frigid dead of winter to receive prophetic ministry, one by one, with the laying on of hands. They were ravenously hungry for the Word of God and treasured it exceedingly; they usually would stay very late at meetings before leaving, unafraid of the dangers of being arrested or beaten. This group of young people became the founders of the house church movement in the Henan and Anhui areas. At present, some of them have moved to large cities and continue to launch house churches.

“Donkeys-for-Jesus” Ministry: More than a million Bibles and Bible study books were brought into China.

Pastor Kiteley relates that one of his most wonderful subsequent memories “was to participate in several leadership conferences in Hong Kong, where literally thousands of young leaders from China were able to obtain visas to attend a three- or four-day intensive training and prophetic conference. This, of course, was totally impossible in the past and it was truly a dream come true.” During the Communist Party’s rule of China from 1949 to the present, the Chinese church has grown from about three million believers to today’s estimated 130 million, and it is still growing steadily. In the past, the countries sending the most missionaries have been the United States, Brazil, South Korea…………and Nigeria etc; but it seems China is about to catch up with them. Many inland Chinese Christians have the desire, before Jesus returns, to take the gospel back along the Silk Route to Jerusalem.

The Kiteley Family

Revival Chinese Ministries International was established because of God’s call on Pastor Dennis and his commitment to that call; we will continue in our calling by forming strategic partnerships and cooperating with Christian churches and organizations everywhere. By God’s grace we will focus our unified ability for the purpose of promoting the vision of “Mission to China and China for Mission” and will continue working hard to raise up God’s army of missionaries in these Last Days. We hope to gain your prayers, support, and wholehearted participation! Let’s work together with one heart for the Lord and accomplish more of those tasks that many people think are impossible! May our Lord receive all of the Great Glory that He deserves!

Yours in Christ

Revival Chinese Ministries International


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