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RCMI Newsletter Sep(2) 2019

The Macedonian call from Japan to Europe

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Pastor Hu Xiaoqiu, head pastor of Revival Christian Church in Paris, France, received a vision in which he was told, "The darkness is passing, the Light of God is coming, and those taken captive will be set free, so arise! Arise and reap the harvest, Europe; Europe, arise and welcome revival!" 6th Europe Revival Conference, October 28-31, 2019 We welcome you to join us in responding to the Macedonian call, come and reap the harvest, and welcome revival!

Venue: Stadthalle Offenbach Waldstrabe 312

63071 Offenbach am Main Deutschland (near Frankfurt, Germany)

2019 Europe Revival Conference - Preview:

“The Japan Vision” Pastor Ruth Pong is Revival Christian Church's longest-serving overseas missionary.

In 1984, while working as a minister in Revival Christian Church and also assuming responsibility for Bible distribution in China in Revival Chinese Ministries International, at the same year, the Lord called her to Japan. She kept the ‘Japan vision’ quietly in her heart, prayed and waited on God, and began equipping herself in various ways.

In 1991, God called her to go to unfamiliar Japan. Following the Lord with a single heart, she resolutely laid down her family in Hong Kong and her successful service in RCC and was sent out with the blessing of Pastor Balcombe and the whole church. Now, she has been serving in Osaka, Japan, for 28 years already. In 1998, RCC ordained Ruth the preacher as a Pastor of the church. She is the first missionary sent by the church and the longest-serving overseas missionary that RCC has sent out. Here’s a letter showing her present situation:

Dear Revival Christian Church, Pastor Balcombe, Pastor Lau:

How are you all? When God told me to leave the Japanese church that I’d been serving for many years, I felt excitement, but also conflict. As a foreign single woman, what could I possibly accomplish? However, I remembered what Pastor Balcombe said once: “If the Holy Spirit doesn’t do His work, we can’t accomplish anything.” So I bravely put my full trust in the Holy Spirit, because it’s “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord”! So then I moved to my where I am now and started a church in my home.

During these years, mainly through the avenue of teaching Chinese and English to the Japanese, I’ve shared the gospel on university campuses, passed out tracts, done friendship evangelism, and so on. In the process I’ve also shared the gospel with Chinese, and also I’ve worked together with other churches and organizations. In addition, God has opened doors for me to preach the gospel to the mentally ill and to the homeless—just as He told me many years ago: Minister to those with spiritual needs!

Now that I’ve been living in Japan for 28 years, I’ve learned and experienced for myself the fact that Japanese culture isn’t easy to understand: you have to put yourself into Japanese circles; you have to invest time in the realm of your heart; but when the Lord’s grace and truth is released—when sincere love and care is actually transmitted, the people are touched and enlightened by the Holy Spirit and moved, even to tears; weak Christians rise up and are strengthened again, and unbelievers become willing to open their hearts and receive salvation.

Those suffering from mental illness:

“Because You are Great and Do Marvelous Things”: Recently while visiting psychiatric patients, I’ve seen amazing things happen! Long-term patients, such as those who can hardly stay awake or who have lifeless expressions on their faces due to taking medicine so long, plus patients with all kinds of other problems, have started taking initiative to come and sing with us, keeping time with rattles and praising the Lord! There’s one old lady who always used to mutter to herself and was always telling us to leave every time we would come—now she comes to sing and praise the Lord too! One time we were gathering up our equipment to leave, and one patient suddenly grabbed us and asked, “I’m very worried—what should I do?” We prayed for her and encouraged her to pray and ask Jesus for peace. Who would know it—next time we went there she was willing to receive Salvation, and she committed her life to the Lord. Since then, she’s come to the group every time, and you can always see her smiling face. God knows the needs of every person, and He especially cares for each one who is suffering in body, soul, or spirit!

Gospel Church for the Homeless

One time I was preaching in the “Gospel Church for the Homeless,” which had about 30 men who’d come from many different backgrounds: some were basic middle-class people, some had worked for big companies, some had been highly-educated professionals. Though at the time they’d sunk to homeless status—plus the fact that their income had been reduced to an extremely low level—nevertheless, they were all keeping their dignified-looking appearances. But “the Word of God is living and powerful”; and when my message was done there were people who raised their hands and wanted to be saved. After the meeting, one came up and said it was the first time he’d been to such a meeting as this; he thanked me and asked me to come again. For Japanese people, even the women, very few will ever raise their hands or make a decision for Christ, or do any of the things I mentioned above that people did. I only pray that God continues to move, open people’s hearts, and set them completely free to become disciples of the Lord! Amen!

But the spiritual battle remains as hot as ever: when the gospel is preached effectively, “birds” come right in to try to steal away the Word—so my hope is that everyone will support the work of evangelism in Japan by your prayers! Also, we’ve started asking the Lord for a house we can use for music, worship, and all kinds of gospel work—may the Lord prepare such a place!

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end.” Matthew 28:18-20

Sincerely yours, Pastor Ruth Pong

RCC Missionary, Osaka, Japan

The Call to Japan

Preaching in “Gospel Church for the Homeless”

Preaching in a Hospital

Praising God with Tambourines and Dancing


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