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RCMI Newsletter Feb 2019

Engedi Worship Conference


“But one of the elders said to me, "Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals." (Revelation 5:5 NKJV)

At its foundation, RCMI’s ministry was to donate and deliver Bibles and spiritual books and to train house church leaders. But in recent decades, due to China’s rapid development, the church has also had to face challenges of every kind. The goal of Revival Chinese Ministries has always been to help the church of China become successful and whole—to help make her a glorious church. Therefore, her challenges are our challenges!

Part of the vision of RCMI’s Church development ministry is to use Biblical truth regarding praise and worship to equip a new generation of worshippers—creative musicians who promote a culture of worship and revival for the Kingdom.

Pastor Matthew shares: “This child has truly grown up!”

When I compare the 2018 Engedi Worship Conference (iWorship) to previous similar events, it was a very different experience: this child is growing up! In 2011, the first time I came to Brother Barnabas’s church, there were less than 30 people there. I’ve been working and walking with them since that time. At first, they were like a baby needing constant care, and so things went on year by year. But the beginning of this year, this ‘child’ said to me, “I know how I want to do the Engedi Conference—let me handle the planning!”

During these years, Brother Barnabas was pastoring his church, taking care of a store selling musical instruments, and also putting whole-hearted effort into a growing praise and worship ministry. The music ministry he launched included an online platform for training in multimedia worship, ministering both inside and outside the country, and joining with other worship groups including the lead singers in Hillsong’s 2018 Chinese album. Indeed, this child has grown up—he’s a leader of the revival worship for the new generation!

A Command for Worshippers

During the past two years, what I’ve received in prayer is that “God will raise up a new generation of worshippers who will prophesy to this generation using lyres, harps, singing, and their lives (1 Chronicles 25:1-3). They will speak to this generation. Each generation needs to be raised up, one after another.”

Modern church music is moving gradually toward being something that satisfies the feelings of the congregation but doesn’t focus simply on being an offering to God. The Levites were one tribe of Israel among the twelve tribes who were separated—they were given over to God. All they were to do was to serve God in His Sanctuary: first, to offer sacrifices to God and be examples to Israel; and second to be God’s mouthpieces, using music, singing, and prophecy to awaken their generation. When they blew the trumpets, the Israelites gathered together before the Lord. The trumpet call was a tool for awakening; it turned everyone’s focus to the sanctuary, reminded them to meet together, and made them return God and their identity in Him. The Feast of Trumpets became an important tradition which needed to be celebrated from one generation to the next.


Last year, Barnabas received a vision during meetings in Shandong and in Europe, which was “Wake Up!”; “The church must wake up, the world must wake up, because the Kingdom of God is coming very soon! We must wake up the masses—we must revive the authority, the teaching, the vision, and the light that God has given to the church—His sons and daughters. The Lion of Judah has awakened, and He is going to wake the world up to the fact that the King of Glory is coming!” This message roused the entire congregation; they were greatly encouraged and filled with the Holy Spirit! We all need to wake up!

Go Out into Deep Water

As the Engedi Worship Conference has gone on year after year, it may seem to be a bit of just another planned ‘blackboard event’— a scheduled routine; but in fact it has moved out into “deep water”: every time it is broader and deeper. The worshippers who came this year from all over were different from those in previous years. Before, the attendees were the older leaders who came to learn worship. But this time it looked like the church elders had seen a need to go deeper, and they had brought their spiritual sons and daughters to teach them to become worshippers.

We see that young people in this last-days generation are being tempted by the devil and taken captive by the world; but this year God is raising up a group of awakened young people to worship Him and is making them into “worshipping warriors” for the Kingdom of Heaven—worshippers who understand God’s heart and live accordingly!

Awakening and History

This year, one of the teachers of (Pan Zhong – name of school?) came and taught us “The History and Energy of Worship Music.” This course used the history of worship—from Biblical history to modern history—to teach us about the development of church music in different cultures and situations along with the development and expansion of cities.

We saw how God reveals Himself and His work in the development process of praise and worship: each time we meet persecution or difficulty, it is an opportunity for revival to begin. The teacher specially brought up the Woodstock Music Festival which was held in the U.S.A. in 1969. At that time, the sexual revolution was affecting a great many young people. For several days, accompanied by rock music, young people indulged in hallucinogens, drugs, and sexual “freedom”, causing parents all over the country to become very worried. But at this time the church awakened, and the “Jesus Movement” was born. God raised up many brothers and sisters who went to the beaches where hippies lived to show them God’s care and share the gospel with them, which brought about a revival of faith in Jesus. They awakened!

Creative Worship, Healing, and Revival

Kenelm and Renee from the Chinese section of Hillsong Church in Australia shared on “Creative Worship.” They reminded us that our God is a creative God, and we are sons and daughters created in His image. Today He is restoring our identity, authority, and ability!

Each one of us has a part in worship, healing, and revival. Jesus will wait until the restoration of all things before He comes back, and therefore revival must occur because Jesus has destined the church for revival. The question is not whether revival will occur, but when. It will happen only when people turn back to God, worship Him with their whole hearts; then God will send revival to us and heal us because He is Jehovah-Rapha, our Healer!

Engedi Worship—Reviving A New Generation of Worship

People registered enthusiastically for the Engedi Worship Conference, and it soon filled to capacity with 300 participants. There wasn’t enough space, in fact there were a few dozen worshippers who couldn’t even attend! Thank God for such a problem!

Attendees experienced a mighty infilling of the Holy Spirit, and God renewed and healed many. One brother who was there had previously been nearsighted, but during worship he was touched by the Lord. He was healed instantly and could see clearly—no longer near-sighted. Another brother who had been deaf in his left ear was touched by the Lord during worship and then could hear perfectly well. Also there was one sister who had always had stomach pain, and even during the conference had been in constant pain. But the Holy Spirit touched her and healed her completely. Another sister who suffered from depression and hadn’t been able to sleep for many days was healed by the Lord during worship. That night she went to sleep and slept until sunup the next morning—in fact she overslept and was late to the meeting! There were many other testimonies of healing as well—glory to God! And peace to those who worship Him!


During this “Creative Worship and Healing Revival,” God thoroughly awakened us and made us aware that Jesus is the same unchanging Lord yesterday, today, and forever! He is Almighty God who rules over all! And so the 2018 Engedi Worship Conference came to a perfect ending, which was also a new beginning because we were awakened! All glory to our Almighty God and Lord, who loves us!

Revival Chinese Ministries

Church Development

Pastor Matthew


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