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RCMI e-newsletter Nov 2017

Most of the students are either in secondary school or university, hence our youth camp was focused mainly to enhance two-way communication, understanding needs of one another, give mutual encouragement and to ignite their love towards our Heavenly Father.From the month of July to the month of August was the annual mission month of RCMI. And this year, a total of 5 mission teams from Hong Kong were sent to China. And now, we will hear from one of our team members that visited Yunnan recently:

We were a team of 10 members and together we boarded the plane to Kunming on the 12th August, 2017. We were feeling very excited because we were finally meeting the group of minority students supported by RCMI (some of our team members are supporting these students). The goal of our trip was to organize an annual summer youth camp for the students and since most of them live in outskirts or up in the hills, they travelled a long distance to the city just to join the camp!

Most of the students are either in secondary school or university, hence our youth camp was focused mainly to enhance two-way communication, understanding needs of one another, give mutual encouragement and to ignite their love towards our Heavenly Father.

Before we began our mission, as a team we went through months of preparation and prayer meetings; praying for each student that would attend and the overall youth camp. Led by the Holy Spirit, the team received the camp theme - “The Love of our Father”. And so specific topics and activities were planned for the 4 days and 3 nights camp:

On the first day of camp, we encouraged an open relationship built through interactive games and sharing, which increased the mutual understanding between our team and the students.

Whereas the second day consisted mainly of learning and understanding individual traits, and to be aware of one’s characteristics and qualities. Through this, the students established their value in God and embraced the truth that they are precious, important and unique.

And after we laid the foundation of self-understanding, we deepened the understanding through “The 5 Love Languages” on the following day. This helped students to recognise the different types of communication that varies from a distant relationship between classmates and strangers to intimate relationships between friends and families; and the students learned the various communication methods available. Due to past experiences and the culture in China, our students did not know of ways to communicate love with their parents and this would accumulate to anger and bitterness in their hearts. Therefore, we saw the need for the voices of their hearts to be heard. Local leaders and ministers were invited to serve as spiritual parents during the night sessions.

We’ve invited an ex-student - Yu Jianying- to give her testimony in the camp. She was supported by RCMI in year 2013 and is now a university graduate. She mentioned that while she was still a student, she received a vision to head back to her village and serve her people. Hence after her graduation in the year 2015, not caring what others thought of her, she let go off the better living in the city and went back to her village and she responded to God’s calling. This year she was accepted into Bible College, to receive a 3-year preparation to be a preacher in the future. She also shared her current challenge now, which is to financially handle her school fees and daily living. But she said that she has never regretted making this decision and she will keep on praying.

In faith and hope for God’s provision,

we too encourage everyone to support this future preacher.

After the camp up in the hills, our mission team still had 2 days in Kunming. We headed down to the village where one of our students live in. We visited her family members who are sick, we gave our blessing and prayers and visited the only church in the village. Through this visitation, we understood more about the difficulty to share the gospel as the minority people of Yunnan, even to their fellow villagers. We walked in prayer through the village, praying for blessings on their needs. And with this, we ended our 7-day Yunnan missionary journey.

Disclaimer: Although this is a small mission team and a short mission trip, it impacted the whole team with various reflections, and to rethink the meaning of life. In our team sharing, our team recalled on how their faith was stretched, how their passion towards God has been reignited and some even responded to more willingly offer their time to serve Him with their talents. It is true that we were all greatly touched by His love! All glory to Him!

Do you desire this experience?

We welcome you!


You can be the source of love in our society, let us lend a helping hand towards the students and their families; we can help them overcome financial difficulties and break through obstacles in life. And lastly, we are thankful for everyone’s support and hope to hear from you soon! God bless.

He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord,

And He will pay back what he has given.

(Proverbs 19:17)

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