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RCMI e-newsletter Jun 2017

New Generation Revival Worship Camp

May 1st was Labor Day, and it was also the first day of Shiloh Bible College --New Generation Revival Worship Camp. By early morning, everyone had already arrived at the church, bringing all the large and small musical instruments they would need, which they then loaded onto the waiting bus. The girls counted up the number of people attending the camp, and then everyone set off grandly for the campground. This is how three straight days of intense worship practice began for twenty-two local students, seven mainland students, and ten professional music teachers. As for what happened during those three days... we'll let one of the participants tell you in detail what he got out of the camp!


. A New Generation For Worship Revival Shiloh Bible College (HK) - Extension Course Now Accepting Applications for Enrollment

"But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and Truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers." (John 4:23)

God is calling each one of us to be His worshiper; and in fact from the beginning right up to the present, God has been seeking those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. By His call and leading, we've constantly been striving with everything in us to develop praise and worship ministry, for the purpose of passing on the anointing of the Holy Spirit, equipping worship leaders, and providing a platform for worship ministry. In the past we've held praise and worship training courses and seminars in both Hong Kong and the Mainland, and many brothers and sisters already involved in worship ministry have been equipped. Many of these also have given wonderful and encouraging testimonies of how their lives have been changed.


Brother Billy

I joined this camp because I know that I'm a worshipper; and although I'm a Bible school student who already has some experience and knowledge of worship; still, because I need more and am hoping to improve in this area, I came to take part in this camp.

Although I arrived late and missed the opening ceremony, thankfully I was able to arrive during the "Preparing Our Lives" part of the program. Regarding the section entitled "The Life of a Worshipper," I was already very clear about the fact that this is more important than anything else. On the first day the teacher taught that we should pray and discover what problems we had in our lives, and what came up in my heart at that time was the sin of "no family affection"! I also used to feel as if something were stuck in my throat. I asked the pastors to pray for me, and one of the teachers did so, but I didn't feel any great change. But I knew I would still have to deal with this sin in the future, and I also realized I had always felt it very difficult to "break through" to having close friendships--I've always felt distant in my relationships--and maybe this was a result of my "no family affection" problem!

The message shared in the evening meeting was "High Places and Altars," and it faced me with the fact that I put too much importance on method but don't pay enough attention to heart--not that I thought heart isn't important, but that I always focused on finding the "right method" to get God's work accomplished! During the camp it was revealed to me, step by step, how this problem affects those who have it.

During my morning quiet time on the second day, what I received from the Lord was the need for “single-hearted devotion" to Him. Not that I didn't love the Lord, but that my love for Him wasn't single-hearted enough! I had noticed in meetings that I couldn't enter deeply into worship even though I knew God's presence, and this situation of mine seemed very strange to me! That afternoon after sharing with a pastor, I knew the Holy Spirit was dealing with some issues in my life. That evening I realized I had lost my zest for the things of the Kingdom of God, and I began to ask God to shine His light on me.

I asked Him three times, and finally He answered that I had always put too much emphasis on methods. This made me feel it was very hard to complete what God had entrusted to me; and as a result I ended up feeling I could never accomplish anything for the Kingdom! He also showed me that I'd missed God's powerful participation in my ministry, and therefore had easily gotten tired and had developed areas of unbelief.

On the last day of camp, God showed me that David was someone who used every possible method to worship and draw near to God; and He also expected others, even foreigners, to join him in worshipping God with all their heart and soul.

This was a great reminder to me that I need to long for God's presence in worship, and also for the opportunity to teach others this truth! In the "Harp and Bowl” meeting that evening, I finally got release and could enter into worship with all my heart and soul!

These few years during my study in Bible School, I thought God had lifted me up to a higher spiritual level (not saying that I was better than others), yet I couldn't enter into worship as some brothers and sisters could, because I was comparing myself with them. I needed to stop doing this and just go before God in the condition that He had brought me to, to enter into worship...where every barrier is broken!

I'm very thankful for being able to join this training school! There are still nine sessions remaining, and I believe I will make a lot more progress, glory to God!


Student from China

We are brothers and sisters from the church in Shandong Province who rode for two days and a night in order to get to camp. Though we were tired, every one of us was very excited--we'd been eagerly looking forward to this worship training camp for a long time already!

Thank God for His abundant provision! I got a lot out of every part of the camp--the messages shared in meetings, preparing my heart in praise and worship, knowledge and skills taught...I got rich teaching and renewal from everything--first of all, that I have to have a lifestyle of worship before I can lead others in praise and worship! And I want to say "Thank you" to every teacher and coworker for your help, and to the sister who interpreted for us so we didn't have a communication barrier. On the evening of the final day, in the prayer time during the "Harp and Bowl” worship meeting, the love of the Lord knit us together so closely as we prayed for one another. It made us feel that no matter where we may be serving, God's love and power are with us! This time my life was truly affected and adjusted...there aren't enough words to describe it! May we all continue to intercede for one another, and may God bless the new generation of teachers of worship in Shiloh Bible School! Thank you for training the church of China to be worshippers!


Thoughts after the School:

This is already the third year of the Praise and Worship School; and we expect to see more churches form worship teams and more worshippers who love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength springing up everywhere! Soon there will be courses offering both individual and team training on the heart of worship, and also on the skills and techniques of worship. Please pray for the School and also for each of the teachers: may they have the faith and the power to faithfully complete what they have been entrusted with!

Our Desire and Prayer: That the teachers who teach in the School will be professional musicians who, due to their devotion to worship and to teaching, will teach as volunteers! Please pray for the School and also donate to support teaching costs so that this ministry may continue. If you have desired financial assistance to the teachers, please visit our website:

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