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Interviewing Bible School Students

The new academic year is about half way through and we have interviewed some students from Shiloh Bible College China to let you have an insight of what they thought about their training.

Question 1: Have you studied in a bible school or theological seminary before coming here?

Yumi: No.

Joshua: Yes, I studied at beginner classes for two years in my local church. The classes taught me to read the bible, pray, keep quiet time and other basic things.

Elijah: I went through basic lessons in discipleship, praise and worship as well as cell group training.

Question 2: How is the second academic year compared with the first?

Yumi: First year was light, comprising mainly basic studies. Except for Methodologies of Theological Studies and Hermeneutics which presented some challenges to our thoughts, the rest of the subjects were based on rigid module. Requirements for year two are different. Almost all subjects have to be approached from theological angles, thus impacting our thinking in a greater and deeper way. The subjects also require our knowledge of some specialized fields. For example, we study Greek in order that we may be able to interpret the scripture based on its original language. Also from Introduction to Pastoral Study, I had a better understanding of inter-personal relationship.

Joshua: Many things were new to me in my first academic year. After that, the course of studies began to challenge my faith which is relatively conservative and simplistic. The studies opened my mind to new perspectives thus deepening my understanding of my faith. With that I realized my inadequacy and God’s grace for putting me in this school for the equipping. The requirements for year two are heavier with more subjects to take and assignments to do. However, I understand I need this training for effective ministries in the years ahead. The training will help people understand the gospel and know that faith in God is not a religious exercise but life-changing experience.

Question 3: What is your favorite subject?

Yumi: It must be Introduction to Pastoral Study. The course enabled me to reflect causing my thinking to be renewed and broadened. With that I have more tolerance and respect for others, better understanding of the essence of faith and the reality of this world.

Joshua: I enjoyed Understanding Growth and Yourself which is a first-year subject. As a servant of God, I need to know myself and God before I can be a good witness for Lord Jesus. The subject Introduction to Old Testament and New Testament helps me to understand and appreciate the scripture more and more. The bible is no longer dull or insipid. Thank God for giving me this amazing course of studies.

David: To me, I find Greek study interesting. The knowledge of an original bible language has given me a deeper understanding of God’s word. The introduction to Old Testament is highly useful for it has given me an overall understand of the Old Testament background. Teacher Wang’s knowledge of the bible is amazing and he has inspired me to study the bible in-depth. Homiletics too is useful, thanks to Teacher Su’s comprehensive lecture delivered with humor. With my new understanding of homiletics, I learn to prepare messages and deliver them with the help of body language and other techniques. Personally, I am not attracted to theology because I am put off by having to pore over thick books and writing long articles. However, theological study has helped me in no small way to realize that truths are not always set in black and white. Often there is a grey area as different people receive truths differently. What we teach is not equivalent to absolute truth and we have to be tolerant and appreciative of the views of others.

Cathy: Courses like Introduction to Old Testament and New Testament and Inner Healing and Deliverance are particularly useful for my present ministry. They helped me to understand the scriptures better and taught me the ways to study them. Inner healing and deliverance covers a wide area and is based on biblical truth. It teaches that healing comes by way of prayer and radical healing and deliverance by the word of God. This year’s subjects including Hermeneutics and Homiletics and Pastoral Study are very useful for our future ministries. Our bible school students come from charismatic and conservative backgrounds and it is highly useful that these future ministers of God’s word are exposed to different aspects of training.

Elijah: Firstly, Systematic Theology opens my eyes to various theological viewpoints. It helps broaden my perspectives and look at things from different aspects. We have the benefit of studying under good teachers. The next best subject I enjoyed is Introduction to Old Testament and New Testament which gives me an overview of the bible and help me study it in the correct way. My third favorite subject is Hermeneutics. The course helps me understand that the bible we have today has undergone various translations which had been influenced by the contemporaneous environment and culture. Thus we need to study hermeneutics for better handling of the word. Hermeneutics helps us to understand what the bible writers were trying to convey to the readers of their time. With that understanding, we are in a better position to apply the words in churches and personal lives.

Question 4: What have you received form your training?

Cathy: I came from a house church in Shanghai and have arrived here in March 2013. Before enrolling for the training, I had inner struggles regarding the value of theological study. I thought that it was only a time-wasting, intellectual pursuit. After attending the first lecture on Systematic Theology, I became even more confused with thoughts that I had made a mistake in coming to bible school or that theological training had indeed, as some people say, caused me to lose faith in God. I was struggling and praying very hard then as to whether or not I should quit study. My teachers’ advice was that “faith and life must be go hand in hand”. The School principal told me that in a class of 40-plus bible students, those who continued serving God are not that many. I became aware that the Chinese churches are in great need for trained workers but sadly there are not that many who offer themselves for the equipping. It was then that I realized it is by God’s grace that I am here. The training has so far widened my thoughts which were mainly influenced by conservative viewpoints. My spiritual foundation is becoming stronger and I have a clearer direction for future ministry. After completing my first year training, I returned home to serve in my local church. The brothers and sisters in my church noticed the differences in the way I serve as compared to my service before the training. I am able to teach them the cell church principles which I have learned in the bible school.

Elijah: The training here has exposed me to different theological viewpoints and enabled me adopt one for my own. One problem of the Chinese churches today is their inability to equip the younger generation to be future ministers. The young believers too find it difficult to offer themselves for comprehensive theological training. At the bible school here, we have teachers of different theological persuasions and ministry background. From their lives, we get to learn the practical aspects and apply them on our lives. Practical faith is not how much knowledge we have acquired but how to apply our knowledge in practical living.


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