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My first trip being a donkey for Jesus

The first time I heard about RCMI and the Donkey Ministry (RCMI’s note: Courier Ministry “Donkey for Jesus”) carrying Bibles into China, I thought of all the Bibles I had at home and the easy access I had to buy any amount of Bibles and any kind of Bible as well. When I realized not only that there were restrictions on the purchase of Bibles in certain parts of China, but also that many in the countryside do not even have the money nor any way to get them, then I realized that I needed to consider doing this work.

Once I realized it would only take two weeks out of my life and I could ask the Lord to help me with the funds needed to go and that it would be up to Him to release me from work and family responsibility, then it seemed there were no more restrictions or barriers - I needed to go to help my brothers and sisters in Christ in China! After I sat in on one of the courier meetings, I realized then that what was needed was a "warm" body to do the work and it did not require a "super" saint but an average person like me.

My first trip was a little scary because it was so new to me but I memorized some scriptures to help me to stay focused. We arrived in Hong Kong and went to the RCMI office. There was a warehouse full of Bibles, teaching materials, scripture booklets and CDs in Chinese ready to be packed and go. The people there stressed to me that if a Chinese tried to move this material across the border, they could be stopped and receive up to 3 years in a labor camp, whereas all they would do to us if we were stopped is confiscate the materials and hopefully later we could pay a price to pick them up and take them back across to Hong Kong.

The people at RCMI taught us how to go across the border, what and how to pack. Then we were divided into small groups of 4 or 6. We packed and prayed over each piece of material, knowing this mission could only be accomplished through God's strength and that He would have to blind the eyes of the guards! In other words, it was His work and not mine!

After we arrived at the border, we were told to separate ourselves from each other. We then walked through alone; but we knew we weren't alone - God was going before us. When we were told to hide the Bibles underneath our clothes, I wore a muslin skirt with 35 pockets on it. I had filled each pocket with a small Chinese Bibles and then covered them with a denim skirt. I also had a purse full of materials under my arm. Because they told me to separate myself from the team, at the border I went to the left and my team to the right. I was told by a Chinese to go back to where I saw my team in line, by the custom X-ray scanners. Most of them had been stopped and were being checked by the guards. So I went to the shortest line and then a guard tapped me on my shoulder and told me to go to the next line over. There was a sign over the line but I didn't look up to read it. There was only one person in front of me, and once I had my visa stamped, I walked through and saw that there was no scanner and no one to stop me. Later I found out that the guard had moved me to the line for "Diplomats" even though I didn't have a diplomat passport. Apparently he thought I had nothing on me to check so he sent me on through. It was truly amazing and encouraging as I saw God move on my behalf!

Once inside China, we made transfers with the Chinese and got to meet a few of them who had been waiting and praying for the Bibles. Their faces were aglow. That was the best inspiration I could ever have - to see and meet my brothers and sisters who go through so much just to have God's Word. Seeing their passion and dedication continues to give me the passion to return each year to RCMI to do this work. Also, as it says in Isaiah 55:10-11, "so is My Word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it!' I truly stand on that scripture as I carry His Word into China each year!

This last month was my 22nd year with RCMI and I can't thank the Lord enough for the joy and privilege of being a small part of helping the suffering church of China! I get on my knees to thank Him for these past 22 years of being a donkey for Christ! It just doesn't get any better than this!


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