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Postscript on the Worship Conference

We know that mainland pastors and believers are yearning for God and for spiritual training. Since 2005, Revival Chinese Ministries International (RCMI) has conducted an annual training conference.

Thanks to God for His blessing and for your participation and help! We have successfully conducted the “Worship Renewal” seminar jointly with Revival Christian Church on August 21-23. This seminar was something we have not done before and was mainly focused on people involved with praise and worship. The seminar aimed at renewing the lives of worshippers and providing training to worship teams. More than 400 participants from Mainland China, Hong Kong and other parts of the world gathered together to praise and worship together, to learn together and to give God all the glory!

The morning and evening sessions were devoted to revival meetings led by experienced worshippers who taught on worship. The afternoon sessions comprised eight workshops for worship leaders, backup singers, instrumentalists (pianists, guitarists, bassists, drummers) and those managing sound, video and visual aids. Trainers were able to share their skills and experience with participants. From the response and feedback, it was evident that the trainers and their training were well received. Many participants were eager to put into practice what they had learned. A Wenzhou team which started using multi-media visual in their home church found that their praise and worship flowed wonderfully with life, vigor and anointing!

A sister from China, who came for the first time to a RCMI conference, writes:

“The three-day Worship Conference was a very moving experience. I was greatly touched by the praise and worship sessions, the messages and most of all, the reception. From the sisters who received us at the Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village to the brothers who guided us to the stairs and others who welcomed us at door of conference room, we were all touched by their genuine smiles and warm service. We truly enjoyed their meticulous hospitality and felt very much at home with the congregation of RCC. The conference time-table was well spaced, seminar subjects were adequate and our accommodation was thoughtful. Thanks again to RCC and RCMI for putting so much heart in preparing this conference for our blessing. May the Heavenly Father remember your hard work! ”

From a brother who has joined our conference three times:

“Each time I attend a conference I gain a lot, especially this conference on Worship Renewal. I was able to really enter into praising God and enjoyed the conference a great deal. I paid much attention to the worship leader and the details involved in leading praise and worship - for example, how he communicated with the back-up singers and the musicians. I believe I have only learned something basic and there is so much more to learn.

I notice that at each RCMI conference, we always have overseas ministers to share with us. They help us come out of our circle of ministry and be exposed to other ways of doing ministry. Some of the teaching may seem to contradict with what we have previously been used to. If we were to hear such information inside our church, we may be unable to accept it. However, hearing it in a conference is different; it opens our mind to accommodate different viewpoints. This can lead to a change in some of our deep-rooted opinions. A broader understanding of things around us helps strengthen our faith and ministry.

The scripture says it’s more blessed to give than to receive. I feel that attending conferences in Hong Kong has enabled us to receive more teaching and encouragement and be in a spirit-filled atmosphere. More importantly, the conferences have given us opportunities to exchange ideas with other participants who, like us, are involved in ministry. Praise the Lord!”

All praise be to God for the success of this worship seminar. Thank you again to all coworkers and volunteers who labored on the site. We hope to be able to sponsor more useful training seminars in the future for the equipping of the saints!

We shall be holding another conference next year. Look out for more information; log on to RCMI’s monthly e-newsletter!


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