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Bibles for China

China has been the largest mission field for Evangelical Christians for over 200 years. The first missionary to China was Robert Morrison who went in 1807. But, China still has the largest number of unreached and unevangelized people. Any way you look at it, missions is just beginning in China. Many of the estimated 100 million Christians still don’t possess their own Bible, and few of the 1.2 billion non-Christians have any access to the Bible.

We praise the Lord that a team from an oversea church recently joined us as “Donkeys for Jesus” in participating in our Bible courier ministry. They have shared the following testimony -

“In July of 2012, our team of 9 young adults traveled to China to work with RCMI’s "donkey's for Jesus" Bible courier ministry. In five days of border crossings we brought over 1,700 Bibles, books, school text books and around 5,000 tracts. In 2009 I had brought a team to work with RCMI and really enjoyed serving with them and their goal to get Bibles into the hands of Chinese Christians who badly needed them. Our church has a huge heart for missions and reaching the people of the world for Jesus. So when God put it on my heart to go to China, it wasn’t hard for me to get the support and the backing of the church to take teams there. The first trip was such a success that I looked forward to going back and working with RCMI again - and we plan to return as often as God allows. The RCMI co-workers were very accommodating and helpful in getting all the arrangements planned out and were quick to answer any questions we had about our team and the trip. Their information packet contained nearly all the information that a team would need for preparing, so it was very easy to bring a team to serve with them even if the people on the team were inexperienced. The best thing I liked about RCMI is their heart for the people of China. In working with them it is obvious that their main focus is answering God’s call to see His church grow and mature in the Word and to see people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus. They can do this by facilitating the process of getting Bibles into the hands of the pastors, churches, and people that need them the most. That is why we chose to work with them and that is why we will continue to work with RCMI in the future, until every person in China that wants a Bible will have one.”

You are very welcome to contact us concerning joining the upcoming Bible courier trips! We really appreciate brothers and sisters from all over the world coming and helping to deliver Bibles. Even though it takes time, costs money and is a long jet trip, you will have a great experience! Every Bible that is taken in is guaranteed to be given to people who really need it and will in turn use it to bless many. Nothing is wasted! Also you will have a wonderful opportunity to get to know us more and to begin to understand the Chinese culture and the huge need for Bibles and missionaries in this great and beautiful land. And you will be able to share your experiences with others when you return to your country so that they will pray for China and also maybe consider to come and work with us in this vast harvest field.

China's doors have been open for over 30 years. There are many factors at work trying to discourage people to take Bibles into China. We are grateful for those who have come to help over the years. Because of your willingness to come, tens of millions of Bibles have been successfully delivered to China. We will continue to do this. We want to see His Word available to everyone in China.

May the Lord give you His love and passion for China!God bless you!


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