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God's working among the Ethnic Minorities

In a recent mission trip to a minority people group, a local church elder said to us, “During the meetings, we felt like our Lord Jesus has personally come and ministered to us, how amazing!” All praises be to God! At the meetings, many believers repented of their sins and confessed their desire to forgive; many too were filled with Holy Spirit. Though these ethnic believers have had little knowledge about the Holy Spirit, we are certain that God through His Spirit is working among them. The place where we ministered had not had rain for more than a half a year and the drought was worsening. Members of this short mission team prayed earnestly with one heart for rain to come. And rain did come by the time the team was leaving Kunming for home.

In the entire mission trip, the team had been blessed with experiences beyond what they had prayed for! Examples:

Submission brings blessing

Before the team set out, Sister Lau received promptings to prepare a teaching on the story of Martha and her sister Mary, plus a song entitled “Listen Quietly”. Sister Lau could not make out the correlation between the Bible story and the song. Nevertheless, she obediently prepared the teaching and brought along the lyrics of the song. The Hong Kong team arrived at a hilly setting in Yunnan where the minority people make their homes. When they arrived there the team of ten split into two groups, one to testify in a Bible school and another to do home visits.

On the fourth day of home visits, Sister Lau and the team members were invited to the house of a sister. Before the guests settled down, the hostess went about slicing watermelon, preparing tea, serving melon seeds and phoning her husband to get additional snacks to honor the team’s presence. While the host was busying herself, both Sister Lau and the team leader received words from God that the hostess was acting like Martha though she should play the role of Mary. At that instant, Sister Lau reached for her hand and led her to sit beside her. She started to share with her the scripture on Martha and Mary and then proceeded to inquire about her personal devotion with the Lord. She confessed that she was not in the daily habit of reading the Bible and observing quiet time. Sister Lau then suggested that they had devotions together focusing on worshipping God. During prayer, someone asked the Lord which song they should be singing. The next moment, the hostess answered with opened eyes, “Listen Quietly.” Sister Lau held back her tears and marveled at God’s amazing deed. She took out the sheet containing the lyrics of “Listen Quietly” and told the hostess that God had indeed prepared the song before hand for the occasion. Sister Lau told the hostess that God did not want her to be the always-busy Martha but He wanted her to be as Mary who goes to the Lord daily to receive her portion. This incident testifies to God’s great love for this ethnic minority sister. It also underlines God’s faithfulness to His promise -- that whoever submits to His will always be blessed.

The crippled walks

One evening, an 80-year-old man carried his crippled wife on his back to the meeting. He wanted the mission team to lay hands on her and pray for her healing. We were all moved to tears and started calling upon God for her healing. Yes, God restored her there and then and this elderly woman regained her ability to walk. What a sight it was! All witnessing this incident could not hold back their tears! Praise the Lord for what He has done! Healing comes as a result of believing!

We appeal to more mission teams to visit the Yi people and teach them the word of God. Many among the Yi believers do not know the need for personal devotion. They only know that God is real and that people ought to believe in Him, meaning they must go to church to worship God. The Yi believers lack basic knowledge of scriptural truth. Many of them desire to share the word of God with others but do not have the capability. Would you like to join us in helping our Yi brethren?

May God touch you and bless you!

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