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Revival Conference 2012 “Holding to the truth, as we enter revival”

THE four-day Revival Conference 2012 was successfully concluded. We thank God for His keeping and all the helpers for their excellent services! Without their faithfulness and hard work, this conference would have been different!

This was because there were more unexpected circumstances this year. A few weeks before the conference started, one of the speakers, Pastor Aaron Chuang was hospitalized for a severe sickness and subsequently cancelled his teaching trip to Hong Kong. We thank God for Pastor Timothy Yeung who replaced Pastor Aaron Chuang and taught on the filling and baptism of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, God also used Pastor David Kiteley and Pastor Niko Njotorahardjo to teach from the Book of Revelation on which Pastor Aaron Chuang had prepared another message! Truly, no one could change what God has willed.

We had downpours throughout the conference period but this helped freshen and cool down the weather. On 18 May toward the close of the afternoon session on the second day, there was a blackout at the Main Hall of The Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong - Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village. As a result, the night session was relocated to a stadium in another part of the village. Electricity supply was restored by the next morning, Praise God. A big “thank you” again to all helpers especially those involved in audio visual and site duties. Because of their diligence and efficiency, it took less than 30 minutes to set up a new conference site! Nevertheless, we apologize to all the participants for the inconvenience on the night of 18 May. Thanks also to brothers and sisters for prayer support and to God for taking us through the rest of the conference.

This year’s conference was attended mainly by the Mainland Chinese, totaling more than 900 participants. More than half of them were first-time participants. They were eager to attend all prayer, worship and teaching sessions. Even during the blackout when the air-conditioning stopped functioning, the participants continued their meeting in a quiet and orderly manner. During the four days of conference, we saw how God renewed the spiritual lives of these people. Realizing this, we feel that it is certainly worthwhile to invest effort and money to put up this annual conference.

We believe that prayer activates revival. As such, we had set up a prayer tower this year to provide opportunity for 24 hour prayer meeting. Each time during breaks between conference sessions, the prayer tower was packed with participants praying for the needs of China. A deaf participant received his hearing while praying at the prayer tower, hallelujah! Yes, revival comes after much prayer. May God once again stir the hearts of Chinese churches to pray!

Next year‘s conference is scheduled in October. The theme shall be a continuation of this year’s “Holding to the truth”, but with more teaching and training in the word. We want this conference to continue its blessing for the Mainland participants, as well as for the Hong Kong and overseas Chinese. We welcome your participation.


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