RCMI Newsletter December 2020
Five Loaves and Two Fishes Project: Express Bulletin from Missionary Brother Paul in E-Country Exclusive Interview with Pastor Kathy...
RCMI Newsletter November 2020
The 51st Anniversary of the Founding of Revival Christian Church The 41st Anniversary of the Founding of Revival Chinese Ministries...
RCMI Newsletter September 2020
The Carpenter's House, Kaohsiung - Sharing God's Love With the Poorest of the Poor. RCMI is focusing all our abilities on promoting the...
RCMI Newsletter Auguest 2020
Japan Vision + Thirty-six Years of Interactive Missionary Work -- Loving One Another - Pastor and Missionary Ruth Pong Dear Brothers and...
RCMI Newsletter July 2020
Faithful pastors led faithful followers who imitated their pastors' example and faithfully served the Lord. Pastor Wei was already...